CSCI 305: Programming Languages

Prolog Part 3

Reading: Webster Ch. 22


  1. Watch This Video - (43:16)
  2. Watch This Video - (15:31)
  3. Review the Lecture Slides
  4. Review the Example Code
  5. Attend Class and Complete the In Class Exercises
  6. Check Your Learning

In Class Exercises

Exercise 1

Define the prediate max(X, Y, Z) that takes numbers X and Y and unifies Z with the maximum of the two.

max(X, Y, Z) :-
  (X >= Y, Z is X, !);
  Z is Y.

Exercise 2

Define the predicate subsetsum(L, Sum, SubL) that takes a list L of numbers and a number Sum and unifies SubL with a subsequence of L such that the sum of the numbers in SubL is Sum. For example:

?- subsetsum([1, 2, 5, 3, 2], 5, SubSet).
SubSet = [1,2,2]  ;
SubSet = [2,3]  ;
SubSet = [5]  ;
SubSet = [3,2]  ;

Your predicate should assume that L and Sum are instantiated, and should succeed once for each subsequence of L and adds up to Sum.

sum([Head | Rest], X) :-
  X is Head + RestS.

/* Borrowed From */
subseq([Item | RestX], [Item| RestY]) :-
  subseq(RestX, RestY).
subseq(X, [_| RestY]) :-
  subseq(X, RestY).

subsetsum(L, Sum, SubL) :-
  subseq(SubL, L),
  sum(SubL, Total),
  Total =:= Sum.