CSCI 305: Programming Languages

Java Part 1

Reading: Webster Ch. 13


  1. Watch This Video - (7:47)
  2. Watch This Video - (37:31)
  3. Watch This Video - (16:17)
  4. Watch This Video - (18:41)
  5. Review the Lecture Slides
  6. Review the Example Code
  7. Complete the Out of Class Exercise
  8. Check Your Learning
  9. Attend Class and Complete the In Class Exercises
  10. Check Your Learning
  11. Example Code

Out of Class Exercise

Using the following classes add the following components:

a. Add a contains instance method to the IntList class, so that x.contains(b) returns true if the int value n occurs in the IntList x and returns false otherwise.

b. Add an equals instance method to the IntList class, so that x.equals(y) returns true if the IntList x and the IntList y have exactly the same integers in the same order and returns false otherwise. It should be true that x.equals(y) is always equivalent to y.equals(x). It should also be true that if x==y then x.equals(y), although the reverse should not necessarily be true.

c. Add a reverse instance method to the IntList class, so that x.reverse() returns an IntList that is the reverse of the IntList x. There should be no side effect on x.

 * A ConsCell is an element in a linked list of ints
public class ConsCell {
  private int head; // the first item in the list
  private ConsCell tail; // rest of the list or null

   * Construct a new ConsCell given its head and tail
   * @param h the int contents of this cell
   * @param t the next ConsCell in the list or null
  public ConsCell(int h, ConsCell t) {
    head = h;
    tail = t;

   * Accessor for the head of this ConsCell
   * @return the int contents of this ConsCell
  public int getHead() {
    return head;

   * Accessor for the tail of this ConsCell
   * @return the next ConsCell in the list or null
  public ConsCell getTail() {
    return tail;

   * Mutator for the tail of this ConsCell
   * @param t the new tail for this cell
  public void setTail(ConsCell t) {
    tail = t;

 * An IntList is a list of ints.
public class IntList {
  private ConsCell start; // first in the list or null

   * Construct a new IntList given its first ConsCell
   * @param s the first ConsCell in the list or null
  public IntList(ConsCell s) {
    start = s;

   * Cons the given element h onto us and return the
   * resulting IntList.
   * @param h the head int for the new list.
   * @return the IntList with head h and us for a tail.
  public IntList cons(int h) {
    return new IntList(new ConsCell(h, start));

   * Get our length.
   * @return our int length
  public int length() {
    int len = 0;
    ConsCell cell = start;
    while (cell != null) {
      cell = cell.getTail();
    return len;

   * Print ourself to System.out
  public void print() {
    ConsCell a = start;
    while (a != null) {
      a = a.getTail();
      if (a != null) System.out.print(",");

public class Driver {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    IntList a = new IntList(null);
    IntList b = a.cons(2);
    IntList c = b.cons(1);
    int x = a.length() + b.length() + c.length();

Check Your Learning:

Modifications to

 * An IntList is a list of ints.
public class IntList {

  // everythin already in IntList

  public boolean contains(int n) {
    ConsCell x = start;
    while (x != null) {
      if (x.getHead() == n) return true;
      else x = x.getTail();
    return false;

  public boolean equals(IntList other) {
    ConsCell y = y.start;
    ConsCell x = start;

    if (this.length() != other.length())
      return false;

    while (x != null && y != null)
      if (x.getHead() != y.getHead())
        return false;
      x = x.getTail();
      y = y.getTail();

    return true;

  public IntList reverse() {
    IntList rev = new IntList(null);
    ConsCell x = start;
    while (x != null) {
      x = x.getTail();
    return rev;

In Class Exercises

Exercise 1

Create a class Int with the following components:

a. A field to store an int value

b. A constructor so that new Int(x) creates an Int object that stores the int value x

c. An instance method toString so that x.toString() returns the value of Int object x in String form

d. An instance method plus so that returns a new Int object whose value is the value of the Int x plus the value of the Int y. There should be no side effects.

e. Instance methods minus, times, and div, similar to plus method described above. (The div method should perform integer division, like the / operator on int values.)

Check Your Learning:

public class Int {

  private int value;

  public Int(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public String toString() {
    return value;

  public Int plus(Int y) {
    return new Int(value + y.value);

  public Int minus(Int y) {
    return new Int(value - y.value);

  public Int div(Int y) {
    return new Int(value / y.value);

  public Int times(Int y) {
    return new Int(value * y.value);

Exercise 2

In this exercise you will create a class IntSet that represents a set of integers. There are many different ways to implement this, but for this exercise you should use a binary search tree (see Exercise 11 in Chapter 11) as the internal data structure for storing the set. The tree need not be balanced. In addition to the actual IntSet class, you will need to create an additional class or classes to represent nodes of the binary search tree. The IntSet class should have the following components:

a. A constructor so that new IntSet() creates an IntSet object that represents the empty set.

b. A find instance method so that x.find(n) returns true if n is an element of the IntSet x and returns false otherwise. (The find method should not search every node in the tree, but only those nodes that, according to the definition of a binary search tree, might contain n.)

c. An add instance method so that x.add(n) returns no value, but adds the integer n top the set x. If n is already present in x, x should not be changed.

d. A toString() instance method so that x.toString() returns a String representing the sorted contents of the set. For example, if x represents the set {1,7,2,5}, x.toString() should return "{1,2,5,7}"

Check Your Learning:


```java public class IntSet {

Node root;

public IntSet() { root = null; }

public void add(int n) { if (root == null) { root = new Node(null, n, null); } else { Node current = root; Node parent = null; while (current != null) { if (current.getValue() == n) return; else if (n < current.getValue()) { parent = current; current = current.getLeft(); } else if (n > current.getValue()) { parent = current; current = current.getRight(): } }

   if (parent.getValue() > n)
      parent.setLeft(new Node(null, n, null));
      parent.setRight(new Node(null, n, null));    }

public String toString() { return “{“ + toStringRec(root) + “}” }

private String toStringRec(Node n) { if (n == null) return “”; else { String value = “”; if (n.getRight() != null) value += toStringRec(n.getRight()); value += “,” + n.getValue(); if (n.getLeft() != null) value += “,” + toStringRec(n.getLeft()); } }

public boolean find(int n) { if (root == null) return false;

 Node current = root;
 while (current != null) {
   if (n < current.getValue())
     current = current.getLeft();
   else if (n > current.getValue())
     current = current.getRight();
     return true;

 return false;    } }

public class Node { private int data; private Node left; private Node right;

public Node(Node left, int data, Node right) { this.left = left; = data; this.right = right; }

public Node getRight() { return right; }

public Node getLeft() { return left; }

public int getData() { return data; }

public void setRight(Node right) { this.right = right; }

public void setLeft(Node left) { this.left = left; }

public void setData(int data) { = data; } }