CSCI 305: Programming Languages

Prolog Part 1

Reading: Webster Ch. 19


  1. Install Prolog on Your System
  2. Watch This Video - (19:04)
  3. Watch This Video - (16:09)
  4. Watch This Video - (19:57)
  5. Watch This Video - (15:37)
  6. Review the Lecture Slides
  7. Review the Example Code
  8. Attend Class and Complete the In Class Exercises
  9. Check Your Learning

In Class Exercises

In the following exercises you should implement sets as lists, where each element of a set appears exactly once in its list, but in no particular order. Do not assume you can sort the lists. Do assume that input lists have no duplicate elements, and do guarantee that output lists have no duplicate elements.

Exercise 1

Define the isMember predicate so that isMember(X, Y) says that element X is a member of set Y. Do not use the predefined list predicates.

Check Your Learning:

    isMember(X, [X|_]).
    isMember(X, [_|Tail]) :- isMember(X,Tail).

Exercise 2

Define the isUnion predicate so that isUnion(X, Y, Z) says that the union of X and Y is Z. Do not use the predefined list predicates. Your predicate may choose a fixed order for Z. If you query isUnion([1,2], [3], Z) it should find a binding for Z, but it need not succeed on both isUnion([1], [2], [1,2]) and isUnion([1], [2], [2, 1]). Your predicate need not work well when X or Y are unbound variables.

Check Your Learning:

    isUnion([Head|Tail],Y,Z) :- isMember(Head,Y), isUnion(Tail,Y,Z).
    isUnion([Head|Tail],Y,[X|Z]) :- not(isMember(Head,Y)), isUnion(Tail,Y,Z).

Exercise 3

Define the isIntersection predicate so that isIntersection(X, Y, Z) says that the intersection of X and Y is Z. Do not use the predefined list predicates. Your predicate may choose a fixed order for Z. Your predicate need not work well when X or Z are unbound variables.

Check Your Learning:

    isIntersection([Head|Tail],Y,[Head|Z]) :- isMember(Head,Y), isIntersection(Tail,Y,Z).
    isIntersection([Head|Tail],Y,Z) :- not(isMember(Head,Y)), isIntersection(Tail,Y,Z).